Tips and Advices
The Consequences of Failing to Follow Your Home Insurer’s Recommendations

Are you feeling upset because your home insurer just came by to complete a routine inspection of your house? That’s normal. Usually, people aren’t too thrilled about getting this type of visit unexpectedly. However, the inspection is beneficial and is carried out solely in your interest.
First, we understand that you may feel irritated when an inspector comes to your house to inspect it. However, it is important to know that when your insurance company visits and evaluates your home, they do so to prevent unpleasant surprises in the event of a claim. By evaluating your home, the insurer becomes fully aware of the risk they are insuring. And, contrary to what you might believe, this is a very good thing for you!
Your insurer may require you to perform the recommended work because they consider the situation to be too risky to pay out in the event of a claim. In such a situation, the best advice that AMR Assurances Multi-Risques can give you is to follow their recommendations to avoid having your home insurer cancel your home insurance policy. If your insurer gives you only 30 days to implement them and you don’t have enough time, we strongly suggest that you contact your insurer or, even better, your broker, to establish a schedule.
An insurance broker may be better able to defend your file with the insurer and negotiate an extension in your favour. Also, avoid procrastinating and ignoring the recommendations, because that could lead to more insurance problems than you think. You seriously run the risk of having your home insurance policy cancelled by your insurer and you’ll inevitably have to find a new insurer, but this time, one who specializes in substandard insurance—the type of insurer that’s not very easy to find.
Moreover, there are good chances that this new insurer will still require that you have the recommended work done, which means that your home insurance premium will definitely be higher than with a regular insurer. And, please, never lie to your insurance company. Above all, don’t tell them that you’ve implemented the recommendations if that’s not the case, because they could refuse to compensate you if you make a claim and will cite increase in risk and cancel your insurance policy for making a false statement. As they say, the truth eventually comes out!
If your home insurer just cancelled your insurance policy because you failed to follow the recommendations, contact an independent insurance broker who specializes in substandard insurance so that they can help you find a new insurer! In the meantime, we can give you a tip.
To find a new insurer quickly and at the best price, you need to have the recommended work done because you’ll have to prove to the future insurer that the termination of the policy with your previous insurer was just an inadvertent error. You also have to be patient because, unfortunately, you don’t build an insurance experience with a new insurer in just a few months.
So, be patient and responsible by following your insurer’s recommendations and everything should go smoothly!