Personal insurance
When you choose AMR, you’re choosing a relationship you can trust, peace of mind and a lot of offers that will save you money! Find the insurance (and the broker) that meets your needs.
Business insurance
Who can better understand the reality of your business than another company?
Since no two businesses are alike, let our independent brokers find the best fit for you!
What's an insurance broker?
A damage insurance broker is an independent professional who represents you with various insurance companies to find the insurance policy that best suits your needs and your budget.
The best way to get insurance is through an independent insurance broker.
Why should you choose AMR Assurance Multi-Risques?
Because our team of independent insurance brokers isn't trying to sell you insurance, but to advise you so that you can get the right coverage for you!
Our team members are experts who care about your well-being and your peace of mind. With AMR, you get the best of both worlds: insurance expertise AND good advice from independent brokers who understand your needs.
Don't wait another minute!
L’assurance cybersécurité pour les entreprises expliquée
Avec la hausse des cyberattaques, les entreprises doivent se protéger contre les risques de violation de données et les attaques de logiciels malveillants pour assurer leur sécurité numérique.
L’assurance cybersécurité peut vous apporter la tranquillité d’esprit en vous couvrant au cas où votre entreprise serait victime de ces cyberattaques.
Dans cet article, AMR Assurances Multi-Risques explique ce qu’est l’assurance cybersécurité et pourquoi elle est nécessaire pour les entreprises d’aujourd’hui.
Qu’est-ce que le cyberrisque ?
Les cyberrisques, aussi appelées cyberattaques, sont des intrusions non autorisées dans vos systèmes informatiques tels que les serveurs, ordinateurs et téléphones connectés. L’objectif est d’obtenir des informations confidentielles dans le but de nuire à une entreprise et de faire du profit.
Parmi les types de cyber-risques les plus courants, on retrouve :
Le rançongiciel
Cette cyber-attaque bloque l’accès à vos données ou systèmes jusqu’à ce que vous payiez une rançon.
La cyber extorsion
Les cybercriminels vous font chanter en échange d’argent ou d’objets de valeur.
Le maliciel
Le maliciel, également connu sous le nom de malware, est un logiciel malveillant. Il attaque vos appareils informatiques et permet aux cybercriminels de nuire à vos appareils et de voler votre identité.
Qu’est-ce que l’assurance cybersécurité pour entreprises ?
L’assurance cybersécurité, également appelée assurance cyberrisques, comprend un ensemble de protections conçues pour renforcer votre cybersécurité. Les entreprises du Québec sont exposées à des risques de corruption, de vol de données et de rançonnage liés à la cybercriminalité. Ces risques sont malheureusement de plus en plus fréquents.
Bon à savoir
Les particuliers sont, eux aussi, eux aussi, soumis aux risques que représentent les cyberattaques. Depuis peu, l’assurance cybersécurité est également offertes aux particuliers. Apprenez-en davantage sur l’assurance cybersécurité dédiée aux particuliers dans cet article.
Une assurance cybersécurité permet aux entreprises de récupérer leurs accès perdus, de réparer leur réseau et d’entreprendre des actions juridiques contre les cybercriminels. Elle leur permet également de reconstruire leur relation avec leurs clients et de protéger leur réputation.
Comment fonctionne l’assurance cybersécurité ?
Votre courtier évaluera votre situation. Ensuite, il vous proposera des protections adaptées en fonction de plusieurs critères. Ces critères incluent le nombre d’employés, les postes informatiques, les activités et le niveau de protection informatique actuel.
Il va sans dire qu’afin d’obtenir une assurance complète, la transparence est indispensable! Par conséquent, avant de contacter votre courtier, assurez-vous de posséder toute l’information requise, avec exactitude.
Quelles sont les solutions pour lutter contre la cybercriminalité ?
La cybercriminalité est omniprésente. Les entreprises doivent se protéger contre les attaques numériques pour éviter des pertes financières et préserver leur réputation.
Heureusement, il existe plusieurs solutions pour lutter contre ce fléau. Tel que mentionné, la première étape est bien sûr de souscrire à une assurance cybersécurité. Votre entreprise aura ainsi une protection financière en cas de cyberattaque. Pour trouver la meilleure assurance pour votre entreprise, contactez un courtier d’assurance indépendant qui vous conseillera sur les différentes options disponibles.
4 solutions à mettre en place
Souscrire à une assurance cybersécurité n’est toutefois pas la seule solution pour lutter contre la cybercriminalité.
En plus de cette assurance, voici quelques solutions à mettre en place afin de protéger convenablement votre entreprise :
- Utiliser des solutions informatiques telles que des logiciels de protection
- Opter pour un service de surveillance personnalisé
- Faire des sauvegardes de données pour contrer les risques
- Former ses employés à l’importance de la cyberhygiène
Les pirates informatiques sont de plus en plus habiles et peuvent attaquer les entreprises de toutes tailles. C’est pourquoi AMR Assurances Multi-Risques vous recommandent de ne pas négliger ces conseils!
En conclusion
Les cyberrisques sont devenus une préoccupation majeure pour les entreprises. L’assurance cybersécurité est donc un moyen defficace ‘atténuer ces risques et de protéger votre entreprise contre les pertes financières.
D’autres actions peuvent être prises. Par exemple, mettre à jour les logiciels, former le personnel à l’importance de la cyberhygiène et investir dans un service de surveillance personnalisé. Ces mesures réduiront considérablement la possibilité d’une attaque.
Pour plus d’informations sur les options pour protéger votre entreprise contre les cyberrisques, contactez nos courtiers d’assurances indépendants. Grâce à leurs connaissances et à leur expertise combinées, ils seront en mesure de vous guider tout au long du processus.
Small Homes, Lots of Possibilities—Provided They’re Properly Insured!
Optimized storage, cool design, different lifestyle—small homes are increasingly becoming all the rage in Quebec! They can be a great option, whether for your main residence, your cottage or even your motorhome! However, you need to be sure that it has the right insurance coverage.
This article discusses the different insurance coverage options available depending on the use you make of your small house.
The small home craze!
Many Quebecers have set their sights on this solution, which makes home ownership more accessible. Small homes are a good way of reducing the expenses that come with owning a home. They cost less to build and their municipal property taxes are lower.
Moreover, they allow you to reduce your environmental footprint because they use less material to build and consume less energy.
Many of these small homes are designed to recover their own energy. They can also run on solar power and some even offer new ways of harvesting rainwater or treating wastewater.
For many Quebecers, small homes offer an opportunity to experience something close to self-sufficiency. A life of independence and freedom!
Small homes provide ingenious ways of streamlining living spaces without having to make too many compromises. Storage space under the staircase, a compact but functional bathroom, a kitchen sink hidden under a removable counter: designers of small homes use all their creativity to make the most of small spaces.
There is a growing trend in municipalities to either reserve entire neighbourhoods for small homes or allow the construction of such homes within their territory, in accordance with their municipal regulations.
Micro, small, tiny: what’s the difference?
These low square-footage dwellings come in different categories. Micro homes have 300 square feet of area or less. Small homes range from 300 to 600 square feet in area and tiny houses can have from 600 to 1,000 square feet of living space.
The surface area of your small home will have an impact on the price you pay for your home insurance policy. If your house should burn down in a fire, for example, the replacement cost would vary depending on its size.
What insurance coverage should you choose for your small home?
This is a good question, but the answer depends on what use you make of it. If it’s your main residence, regular home insurance is what you’ll need.
If it’s a secondary residence, a cottage or a seasonal home, our brokers will offer you the right insurance policy.
Not the type to put down roots? If you have a small home on wheels and go here and there in search of new adventures, you’ll need to purchase recreational vehicle or motorhome insurance. This type of insurance applies to anyone considering moving their home at least once a year.
If this is your case, make sure you register your small home with the SAAQ. You would do the same for a recreational vehicle or trailer.
If you live in your house on wheels year-round, you may not have a fixed residence (no permanent address). Nomad insurance will surely be the best option for you. It provides civil liability insurance coverage, just as a home insurance policy would.
Our brokers will be able to help you sort through all the details! They’ll find the insurance policy that will allow you to enjoy your life of freedom!
How to reduce your car insurance premium
We all need to stick to our budget! Here are a few tips on how to reduce your car insurance premium.
- Start by contacting an insurance broker who will shop around for you in order to obtain the best quality-price ratio for you.
- Update your information with your insurance agent or broker. Here are things that can impact your car insurance premium:
- Yearly kilometers travelled;
- Kilometers to and from work;
- Vehicle use. For example, if you have used your car for business purposes in the past, but no longer do so, it’s important to let your insurer know about this;
- Change of work;
- Change of address;
- Change of drivers. For example, if you had a young driver on your insurance record who has since gotten his own car insurance, we suggest that you remove him from your contract.
- Increase your deductibles. This will likely reduce your premium.
- Install an alarm system, a locating system or have your vehicle anti-theft marked if your comprehensive coverage is too pricy.
- Reduce your coverage if you consider that your premium is too high for the value of your vehicle.
- If your spouse is insured by a company other than yours, regroup all your vehicles with the same insurer in order to benefit from a multi-vehicle a rebate.
- Insure both your home and your vehicle with the same insurer. This might offer you a rebate on your car insurance premium.
- Avoid making small claims.
- If you are 50 and over and are a member of the Fédération de l’âge d’or du Québec (FADOQ), you can obtain rebates and certain types of coverage on car insurance with Intact Assurance.
- Did you know that some insurers offer rebates if your credit rating is good? This could allow you to further reduce your car insurance premium.
- Use telematics to decrease your car insurance premium. This, however, is a relatively new tool that not all insurers offer.
- Drive carefully – this, of course, will always be the best way to reduce your car insurance premium.
As you now know, there are several ways to reduce your car insurance premium. Since insurers offer so many different types of incentives, it can be tricky to make sure that you are getting all the rebates you are entitled to when shopping around for car insurance. In order to ensure that you are getting the best available car insurance package for your needs, we suggest that you contact an insurance broker.
How to reduce your home insurance premium
Each year brings a new surprise… Your insurance premium increases every year? Is that a normal occurrence? Assurances Multi-Risques understands your needs and the fact that you, like everyone else, have a budget to respect.
A yearly rise in your home insurance premium is a normal thing. Indeed, your home’s reconstruction costs increase with every passing year, and your premium must therefore be adjusted accordingly. It is possible, however, that what you are being charged does not adequately reflect this yearly cost increase.
Here are a few tips to help minimize your home insurance premium:
- Contact an insurance broker who will shop around with several insurers in order to find you the best home insurance deal possible.
- Maintain a good insurance record. Indeed, the best way to avoid a premium increase is to avoid filing a damage claim. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!
- Make sure your insurance coverage is adequate for your needs.
Call your insurance agent or broker on a regular basis to update your insurance record.
Advice that can have a positive impact on your home insurance premium:
- A change of job or profession can sometimes earn you a professional discount.
- Some insurers offer rebates to non-smokers.
- Install an alarm system connected to a central to warn against fire, theft or even water damages.
- Hefty insurance rebates are offered to those who no longer have a mortgage.
- Increase your deductibles.
- Pool your home and car insurances with the same insurer.
- If you are 50 and over, Intact Insurance offers a set of specific rebates and coverages to members of the FADOQ network.
- Maintain your financial stability and a good credit rating.
- Update your home insurance record and obtain rebates for the following items:
- Recent renovations (roof, electricity, heating system, plumbing, etc.);
- New water heater that reduces the risk of water damage;
- Newly installed check valve;
- Percentage of finished basement surface.
It might be tempting to reduce your amount of insurance coverage or to cancel certain types of coverage in order to diminish your premium. However, Assurances Multi-Risques strongly advises against doing so because this might cause your problems in the future. Instead, contact an insurance broker who will bring you up to date on what you need to know about home insurance and who will make sure that you benefit from all the rebates you are entitled to.
Home insurance for clients with a criminal record
Did you know that 15% of the population has a criminal record?
We are all equal before the law, but insurance companies are free to discriminate against people who have a criminal record. What can happen if you fail to declare that you or a person you are living with has a criminal record? Assurances Multi-Risques wants to build awareness on the importance of divulging all personal information to your insurance broker or company. We want to help you to obtain adequate insurance coverage for your home, whatever your judicial background.
Why declare everything?
We often get calls from people who are experiencing insurance problems after getting a criminal record. Here is an example of a frequently asked question: “Will our insurance company cover us after a fire if they learn that someone in our household has a criminal record?”
According to sections 2466 and 2467 of Quebec’s Civil Code: “The insured is bound to promptly notify the insurer of any circumstances that increases the risks stipulated in the policy and that result from events within his control if they are such as to materially influence an insurer in setting the rate of the premium, appraising the risk or deciding to continue to insure it. On being notified of the new circumstances, the insurer may cancel the contract or propose, in writing, a new rate of premium, in which case the insured is bound to accept and to pay the premium at the new rate within 30 days of the proposal, otherwise the policy ceases to be in force.”
For example, if you had not informed your insurance company that your new partner has been to prison for some crime or other, he could refuse to compensate you and declare that your insurance contract was null ab initio, and then proceed to reimburse you all of the insurance premiums he has received to date. This clearly illustrates why it is important to declare the fact that someone in your household has a criminal record. By doing this, you could well reduce the risk of losing your home.
Be proactive
Bottom line? Don’t wait until your insurance agent or broker brooches this thorny issue. Be proactive. Contact a broker specialized in substandard insurance and the management of clients who have a criminal record. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! You may have to change insurance companies and you may see your premiums go up, but your honesty will allow you to obtain insurance coverage that corresponds to your needs and your reality.
Car insurance for your child
Your child has just obtained his or her probationary driver’s license and would like to borrow your car? Before allowing him or her to take the wheel, however, make sure that you are avoiding unnecessary risks. Indeed, your first reflex might be to omit telling your insurer about the addition of a new driver to avoid seeing your premiums go up. Assurances Multi-Risques advises you to immediately inform your insurance broker or company of this fact in order to avoid problems in case you have to make a claim.
What are the possible consequences of omitting to declare your child as a driver on your car insurance contract?
If your insurer is able to prove that you have made a false declaration, he may deny you coverage if you make a claim. In most cases, however, the insurer will likely follow section 2411 of the Quebec Civil Code which states that the insurer has the obligation of offering you the coverage you have paid for versus the one should have had if you had informed him that your child was the occasional or main driver of the car. This article, by the way, applies to all types of insurance contracts.
Let us therefore suppose that your current car insurance premium was $500. If you had added your child as an occasional driver, your premium would have been set a $1,000. In the following pretend case, the insurer will offer you coverage according to the premium you have paid versus the one you should have paid, taking into the account the damages claimed.
Here is a simple calculation illustrating this case:
Premium paid: $500
Premium you should have paid the insurer: $1,000
Loss/Damages: $20,000
$500 / $1,000 X Loss ($20,000) = $10,000 – deductibles
As an insurance broker firm, Assurances Multi-Risques wants you to understand the possible consequences of omitting to declare a new driver to your car insurer. By forgetting or voluntarily avoiding to declare your child as an occasional or main driver of your car, you would have to shoulder a $10,000 loss according to the example given above. We are quite certain that you would not want to take such a financial risk.
Here are a few tips on how to avoid a substantial premium increase when you add your child to your car insurance policy:
- Contact an insurance broker to help you find an insurer who offers adequate coverage for young drivers;
- Increase your deductibles;
- Find an insurer who relies on telematics to evaluate the driver’s behaviour
- Lend your oldest vehicle to your child and have the insurance bar your child from using your newest vehicle.
In conclusion, contact your insurer as soon as your child gets his or her driver’s license. By doing so, you will gain peace of mind for both you and your child.