Tips and Advices
Are you the proud owner of a snowmobile? You probably love riding the trails, surrounded by the beauty of nature—and for good reason!
To protect the peace of mind that these recreational vehicle outings bring you, Assurances Multi-Risques would like to share some helpful information with you so that your itinerary is your only concern!
Your obligations
The law requires that every snowmobile owner hold a minimum of $500,000 in civil liability insurance. This ensures that you will be indemnified for personal injury and/or property damage caused by your vehicle.
Note that this insurance is mandatory, even if your snowmobile is stored in a shed or garage for the winter!
What insurer should you go with for your snowmobile?
Did you know that you can insure your automobile with one insurer and your snowmobile with another? That’s right! Some insurers specialize in recreational vehicle insurance and it is in your interest to do business with them!
In fact, even if this option may seem more complicated, deciding to take out insurance with two different insurers is often more advantageous, contrary to popular belief.
Why? Consider this: would you be comfortable buying a snowmobile from a dealer specializing in bicycles? Certainly not!
So you should be equally uncomfortable insuring your snowmobile through an insurer specializing in car or home insurance! An insurer with expertise in this type of vehicle will allow you to get the most out of your insurance coverage in the event of a claim.
Reducing your premiums
Now that you know how to optimize your coverage, here are some tips to help cut the cost of your premiums!
- Make sure that you maintain good driving and claims records; to do so, drive carefully!
- Increase the amount of your deductibles;
- If you have several snowmobiles or other recreational vehicles, have them insured through a single specialized insurer to take advantage of a multiple vehicle discount;
- Have an anti-theft or vehicle tracking system installed on your snowmobile;
- Resist the temptation to reduce certain coverages to lower your premiums;
- Become a member of the Fédération des Clubs de Motoneigistes du Québec to benefit from $1,000,000 in civil liability insurance coverage, thanks to your trail permit. *Did you know that you can request that this insurance be removed? This generally allows members to save $50. However, we recommend that you check with your insurance agent or broker ahead of time to see how much this would save you.
- Contact an independent specialized insurance broker!
The snowmobile season doesn’t last long, so you shouldn’t wait to take advantage of it!
So, to avoid being stuck for hours on the phone negotiating with your insurer, contact an independent insurance broker instead! They will shop for insurance on your behalf.
So, in addition to saving time that you can better use cruising the snow-covered trails, you could benefit from sound advice and get the best value for your money for your recreational vehicle, no matter what size engine it has!
Happy snowmobiling!